The Cringey Communication Strategy Couples Counselors Love

Laura Edelbacher

Imagine telling your partner a story.

You’re just getting to the good part — the crazy thing your boss said, or the irresistible face the dog made — when you realize he is staring at his phone.

Your first instinct might be to pout or get indignant. Or you might try a more therapized tack.

“I feel frustrated,” this enlightened version of you would say, “when you look at your phone while I’m talking to you.”

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed an “I statement” — a communication tool beloved by many couples counselors, who recommend it to clients to help curb defensiveness, have more fruitful discussions and, yes, fight better.

Therapists know the advice is a bit … cringe. Jessica Grogan, a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Austin, said that when she talks to her clients about the merits of “I statements,” she braces for eye rolls.