How to stand up for yourself when confronting loved ones
By ISABELLA CARRENO for The Daily Californian
For most of my life, I’ve been one of the loudest people in the room. Whether that be simply because I like to talk or because I inherited this trait from my parents, I’ve never been one to be silent — that is, until it comes to sticking up for myself in front of my loved ones.
Although I have never had a problem with sticking up for myself in front of bullies or people I hardly know, doing it in front of people I love is a different story. There lies a delicate balance of respect and admiration between you and the people you love, and personally, I’ve always been afraid that sticking up for myself will tip the scales. I did not want to start a fight, nor did I want anyone to hate me. So, for most of my life, I chose the easiest and most amicable option: silence.
However, as most of us know, silence in response to things that are bothersome is never a sustainable option, and eventually the truth comes out. In order to avoid the blow up or building resentment that comes with this “easier” response, I have a few tips on how to stick up for yourself to the people you love because, in truth, your needs ultimately matter just as much as those of the people you love.
If you feel too emotionally charged to start a productive conversation, make a note for later
Consider the situation if the roles were reversed
Be honest with yourself and view your needs with importance
Read the full article here for more information on each tip.